My American Girl

It’s hard to believe my baby girl is turning eighteen today and graduating high school this week. When she was born, I had a room filled with dolls waiting for her to grow into. Initially, she loved them. Eventually, she grew out of them. Quicker than I would have liked. Turns out, I was more attached to them than she was. Maybe because I had waited so long for my very own American girl. Not a doll. A real little girl. I’m proud of the independent beautiful young woman she’s become. I’ve been reflecting on how fleeting the moments truly are, and decided to write a poem to mark this milestone birthday.

My American Girl

Eighteen years have flown by in the blink of an eye. 

Swaddled in pink from the day you were born.

Fancy dollhouses were fun for a while. 

Tutus and toe shoes traded for high tops and hip hop. 

Quickly you grew out of those ruffles and lace.

I learned you needed to move at a much quicker pace.

T-shirts and blue jeans were more your style. 

Finding your way with that million dollar smile. 

Never afraid to try something new. 

A dare devil who could show her brothers a thing or two. 

Monkey bar master.

Mayor of the park. 

Whatever you do shows that spark.

Sun chaser, peace maker.

Mac and Cheese connoisseur. 

Delighting our world with your grit and grace.

All grown up and about to leave the nest.

You are more than ready to fly. 

Wherever you go, remember, Mother knows best!

Stay true to yourself, my American girl!

I love you higher than the sky!

Mom xox

Zabelicious Birthday Themes

Over the years, I’ve loved planning themed parties for my children, especially on their birthdays. In honor of my daughter’s 18th birthday, I’m taking a trip down memory lane and sharing some of our favorite party ideas you might enjoy.

This week, we have tips on how to throw a Carnival Kid Party and a Fancy Nancy Party. Watch for more creative party ideas coming later this month. Put on your party hats and get ready to entertain the little ones all summer long!