The Art of Meaningful Connections

I thrive on making meaningful connections and consider maintaining those connections somewhat of an art. Mastering the art of meaningful connections in a modern world is easier said than done. How would you describe yourself in the art of connection-a master, or a novice? Making connections is one thing. Keeping them is another. In our fast-paced digital world of texting, emailing and zoom, the human connection often gets lost in cyberspace. Don’t underestimate the power of mastering meaningful connections. Maybe it’s time to reflect on those people that matter most to you, and reconnect the old-fashioned way. Phone a friend. Hold a hand. Write a letter. First, let’s dig a little deeper to guide you on how to transform from a novice to a master in the art of meaningful connections.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Which connections mean the most to you?

  • What makes them meaningful?

  • How do you stay connected?

  • When was the last time you picked up the phone and called someone?

  • How long ago did you send a handwritten letter or a thank you note?

  • When do you make time for in person meetings or gatherings?

Create a list of the most important people in your life, both personal and professional. Write down when you last saw them, wrote to them, or called them. If it’s been a while, maybe you’ve grown apart and it’s time to move on. Or maybe it’s time to reconnect? Only you know the answer.

Reflect on what brought you together in the first place, the role they have played in your life, and your gratitude for their connection. Once you identify the most meaningful connections in your life, prioritize maintaining those connections. Reach out and let them know how important they are to you.

Instead of communicating by text or email; consider sending them a hand written letter, give them a call, or make a plan to meet in person. Restore your human connection to that person and watch the canvas of your life transform into a masterpiece.

Make this year, a year of mastering the art of meaningful connections. Resolve to reconnect with old friends, colleagues and relatives you’ve lost touch with. You never know what might develop, and how maintaining those connections can enrich your life.

Journal It

  • How has your life been enriched by meaningful connections?

  • Who will you call or write to first?

  • When will you schedule your next in person reunion with that old friend, colleague or relative?

Share your reunion pictures and stories in the comments below, or on our social media pages. We’d love to hear from you!