Choose Joy!

Choosing joy isn’t always as easy as it sounds.

There may be obstacles in your way. If you choose joy as an affirmation today, it is possible to turn your obstacles into opportunities. Recognize and face those obstacles head on. You will be happy you did. I refer to those obstacles, as thieves of joy. Beware. They are everywhere. You have the power to defend yourself.


  • Self-consciousness is the thief of joy.

  • Comparison is the thief of joy.

  • Self-doubt is the thief of joy.

Don’t let anyone or anything steal your joy. The choice is up to you.


  • Dance and sing like no one is watching!

  • Celebrate your authenticity!

  • Believe in yourself!

  • Laugh out loud!


  • Practice gratitude daily.

  • Appreciate nature’s beauty.

  • Spread joy with a smile.

  • Celebrate the little things.

Joyful is one of my words to live by, this year. I’m committed to choosing joy by appreciating the beauty and delight in each moment. On my morning walk, I chose to see the sparkle in the snowflakes and savor the scent of pine trees, rather than dwell on the frigid forecast. Wherever the road of life takes you today, I invite you to choose joy. Are you up to the challenge?

Journal It

  • How will you defend yourself from thieves of joy today?

  • What authentic gift or talent will you nourish and celebrate this year?

  • When did you allow yourself to experience joy in a small moment that transformed your day?

  • How could you transform someone else’s day by choosing joy?

Please share your stories here and inspire others to do the same.

