Make Time for WOW Moments

When was the last time you had a WOW moment? How did it feel?

One of my favorite WOW moments was riding the ferris wheel at the Minnesota State Fair with my kids last year. As my mind wandered down memory lane, to all of the past fairs I’d taken them to, now I was observing my grown children indulging Mom in her wish to be a kid again (even if it was only for a day!) I embraced that feeling of childlike wonder, as the ferris wheel stopped and time stood still, for a fleeting moment. Then, the ride abruptly ended and life resumed. The glow from that WOW moment remained and I harness it every time I recall that day at the fair.

Why not make time for more WOW moments every day?

Before you rush off somewhere to do something super important today, take time to pause and put a little WOW in your day! It doesn’t have to be a ride on the ferris wheel, it could be something as simple as a change in attitude to create more WOW moments.

Here’s a coaching exercise to help get you started by clearing your mind and maybe inspiring a new idea or two. I’ve come up with an easy way to remind myself to do this, with an acronym for WOW, of course. I invite you to give it a try. Then ask yourself a few powerful questions, and journal it!





If you wander down a new path instead of taking your usual route, chances are you’ll discover something new along the way.

  • When did wandering lead to a new discovery that transformed your day?


If you pause to observe the sights and sounds around you, it might deepen your gratitude for life’s simple pleasures.

  • What simple pleasure are you most grateful for observing today and why?


If you allow yourself to retain a childlike wonder for the people and places around you, it could help you see things from a new perspective.

  • How could approaching things from a childlike wonder open the door to new possibilities?

May every day be filled with more WOW moments!



P. S. Learn more about my day at the fair and the deeper meaning it held for me in my story, “Enjoy the Ride!”