Christmas Blessings

Christmas blessings seem to be brighter than ever this year.

I have been especially mindful of counting my blessings this Christmas, after a year of isolation. Last year, church parking lots around the world were empty, due to the pandemic. Most of us prayed and celebrated from home; many alone, desperately missing that human connection. Drive-by church and virtual candlelight services were no substitute for being there.

Our family was overjoyed this Christmas to be able to walk through those church doors and worship in person. Reuniting with family and friends this holiday season was such a gift I’ll never take for granted again. Candles seemed to burn even brighter, as we gathered together to celebrate side by side, bonded by faith in a higher power. Even under the masks, I could sense the kind, caring spirit in the eyes of those around me, as we sang Christmas carols together. Love was all around that church and radiating Christmas spirit. I felt a renewed sense of community, faith, and hope for the future.

I wish you and your family that same joy this holiday season and peace in the new year! Now, let’s work together to find ways to keep that Christmas spirit in our hearts all year long!

Journal It!

  • How were you inspired this Christmas?

  • Which blessings meant the most to you this holiday?

  • How can you keep the Christmas spirit alive in your heart all year long?

Consider keeping a daily gratitude journal. Practice random acts of kindness. The smallest gesture can have the biggest impact on a stranger. Be the light for someone in their darkness and help spread the love in 2022!

Have another bright idea to inspire others in the new year? Please share your thoughts in the comments. Together, we can all make a difference and be a blessing to each other year ‘round!