Discover the Magic Within You
Photo by Aaron Burden
Feeling powerless, frustrated or stuck? Look closely.
The magic you have been searching for is all around you.
Take a walk in the woods. Discover strength in nature, peace and quiet. Remember you have control over what you think, what you say and what you do. How you harness those three things to achieve a goal, is up to you. When you align your thoughts, words and actions, the real magic happens.
Still feeling stuck and powerless? Try this life coaching exercise:
Grab your journal, or a blank sheet of paper
Write down a goal you wish to achieve at the top of the page
Make three columns labeled "thoughts," "words," and "actions"
Fill out the three columns as they relate to achieving your goal
How do these thoughts, words and actions conflict with each other?
What can you do to harness these together and transform your goal into reality?