Monday Motivation: Embrace Change

As I watch the leaves do their autumnal dance, I’m reminded that change can be beautiful. Although at times bittersweet, if we open our hearts and minds to change, we can learn and grow.

The colors of the leaves aren’t the only thing changing around our home this fall. Our youngest has left the nest and flown off to college. It’s been an adjustment, to say the least. Although our annual trips to the pumpkin patch ended a few years back, we kept up other fall traditions, that will now change.

I’m slowly adapting to a new type of relationship with our adult children. Letting go isn’t easy. I don’t have it all figured out just yet. For now, I’m taking it one day at a time and looking forward to a new tradition, our upcoming parents weekend.

Empty nesting is one of life’s many changes we can either reject, or embrace. Why fight Mother Nature? Much like the seasons change, so do the relationships with our children. This was the goal, right? Love and nurture them so they could grow, spread their wings and fly. Only, not so fast! For those of you with little ones still at home, hold them tight and cherish each moment. In a blink of an eye, they are grown and flown.

Whether you are a parent or not, change is part of life. Fall seems like the perfect time to turn over a new leaf and embrace whatever change you’re facing. Wondering where to start?

Here are twelve daily intentions that help me embrace change:

  • Adaptability I openly accept change and try to adjust to new situations.

  • Bravery I face my fear of change head on to the best of my ability.

  • Compassion I move forward with kindness and forgiveness as I embrace change.

  • Empowerment I see change as an opportunity to learn and lead with confidence.

  • Enthusiasm I approach change with an open mind, heart, and positive attitude.

  • Evolving I celebrate growth and change by journaling aspirations and accomplishments.

  • Honesty I accept the things I cannot change and look for ways to proceed with integrity.

  • Gratitude I appreciate the gift of transformation and try to use it wisely.

  • Grounded. I remember the strength of my foundation when change is hard.

  • Mindfulness. I practice meditation daily to focus on embracing change.

  • Nurturing I care deeply for family and friends who support me through life’s changes.

  • Resilience I remind myself I have the power to bounce back when major life changes occur.

Some life changes are bigger than others and harder to bounce back from. Like most of you, I’m still a work in progress. Sometimes, I just need to push pause and have a good cry.

Dig Deeper & Journal It!

  • How do you handle change?

  • Do any of these intentions speak to you?

  • If so, consider choosing one or more to help you embrace change.

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