Cherry Frose

Nothing says summer like a cherry frosé slushie. It’s the perfect way to cool off on a hot August day. Here’s the easy recipe, along with the fabulous photos, courtesy of Meredith Kruse and Our Love Language is Food.

Kruse says not only is this cocktail delicious, it’s somewhat healthy. Cherries are high in fiber, packed with vitamins and rich in antioxidants! Let’s start mixing!

Photo credit: Our Love Language is Food

Cherry Frosé Recipe:


4 C frozen cherries (I use dark sweet cherries)

1/4 C granulated sugar (omit sugar for a low calorie option)

1, 750ml bottle of rosé wine (use a darker, more robust wine)

optional add in: 4oz vodka*


  • Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until combined and smooth

  • Pour into glasses and enjoy immediately

  • If you are not serving all of your frosé right away, place the remaining frosé in an air-tight container in the freezer.

  • When ready, give the mixture a stir and scoop into serving glasses*


*The optional add in of vodka is for those of you who prefer a little boozier cocktail (or a cocktail that packs a bit more of a punch)

*You may want to add a little extra liquid to your glasses when serving from frozen to get the perfect slushie texture. This can be additional wine, booze, or even a splash of water

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Meet Meredith

Meredith Kruse is the photographer, recipe developer, and content creator behind Our Love Language is Food. The Wisconsin-based foodie shares her passion for wholesome food, by creating a variety of easy recipes; from sweet or savory dishes to fruit forward beverages. Meredith incorporates a lot of plant-based meals into her menus, with family favorites shared on her website. She is an advocate for using simple, organic ingredients, eating seasonally, and buying local whenever possible. Follow her at

Find more tips in the original Cherry Frosé Recipe.